Aerospace city in full swing
Signing Ceremony for Enterprises in Aerospace City

The time of building Shenyang Shenbei Aerospace City

Phase I and Phase II of FS Industrial Park are located at Puping Road and Moon Lake Street of Shenyang Dadong District, respectively, less than 20Km away from the Shenbei Aerospace City which is under construction in full swing, which is in the best position for the radiation scope of the industrial supply chain. 5 years ago, a number of headline enterprises in the aerospace industry have been laid out around the first and second phases of the FS Industrial Park one after another.

Our unique geographical location and good internal facilities and property services make our park a good choice for enterprises at all levels in the aerospace industry chain. Welcome to visit, investigate and negotiate business in our park! Find a home for your products in Shenyang, in Dadong, in FS Industrial Park!

Background information: Shenyang’s aerospace industry plays an important role in economic growth and is one of the main engines of the city’s economic development. The interconnectedness of the upstream and downstream of the industry chain, covering raw material supply, parts manufacturing, complete aircraft assembly and maintenance services, has formed a strong driving effect and promoted the development of the industry, which in turn has boosted the growth of Shenyang’s economy. With the booming development of the aerospace industry, a large number of employment opportunities have emerged, but they require relevant skills and operational capabilities. Shenyang has continued to bring in talents and carry out aerospace talent training, such as Northeastern University and Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, providing stable talent support for the industry.

The signing of the Shenyang Aerospace City project and the commencement of the Shenbei New District project pave the way for the resumption of work in the Aerospace City. The future Aerospace City will become a city of air and sky, a growth pole of Shenyang’s modern industrial system, which is crucial to the transformation and development of Shenyang’s industry.

On the site of the aerospace city, intense operation! Shenyang 2024 the first quarter of the project focused on starting, aerospace city pressed the “start button”! This 100 billion key projects will create a world-class industrial clusters, basic engineering 2024.2.20 start, 2026.12.31 completion! Supporting roads, sewage treatment plants, heat plants, water supply networks and so on! Looking forward to the new brilliant bloom! 🚀🌟